Increase your Vitality - self care for fatigue

Pretty much all of us have been feeling the effects of chronic stress even more so than normal over the last two years and you may have recognised this as dips in your levels of energy and also ongoing mental fatigue.

It is that strange contradiction of feeling tired but wired, feeling continually exhausted even though you may feel like you’re doing less.

Even if it is not possible to remove all the stressors from your life at the moment there are ways you can support yourself and boost your levels of energy and increase your sense of vitality.

You are worth making the effort for and making some small changes will start to give you more energy to cope with your stress.


When you are stressed it is normal for your breathing to become quicker and shallower, over the long term this can lead to a dysfunctional breathing that has knock on effects throughout many systems of the body. It can lead to heightened pain, foggy brain, anxiety, and allergies.

How you breath mechanically can also change. As your breath becomes shallower there is a tendency to use accessory breathing muscles more and that can cause discomfort in the top of the shoulders, neck and jaw.

Rather than forcing yourself to take deep breaths in, you will probably be reinforcing the dysfunctional breathing patter, instead go for focusing on long exhalations fully emptying yourself and notice how you passively fill back up.

Try reeducating your breathing with this simple Yogic Breathing Technique.

You will be separating your inhale into three waves of gentle movement beginning low in your belly, moving into your rib cage and finally to fill your upper lungs. Then exhaling with the same wave but in reverse and fully emptying your lungs.

  • Come to a seated position, sitting up tall to give yourself space to breathe fully.

  • Bring your attention low down into your belly, place your hands there.

  • Gently inhale through your nose, allowing your belly to expand softly as the breath moves your hands.

  • Continue to inhale into your lower lungs placing your hands onto the sides of your ribcage and feel your breath filling you.

  • As your breath travels upwards place one hand on your chest and notice the rise as your upper lungs fill.

  • Exhale through your nose steadily and fully, notice the tightening of your abdominal muscles and draw your belly button to your spine, allowing as much air as possible to empty from your lungs.

Slowly repeat the sequence with your hands and breath for your inhale.

After awhile you will no longer need to use your hands as you learn to become more aware of your breath and how to direct it.

Once you understand how to inhale slowly as a continuous wave from belly to ribs to upper chest, and then exhale slowly and deeply emptying from the top of the lungs towards the bottom of the lungs as the diaphragm pushes the belly in and towards your spine, you can have the hands relaxed resting on your knees or in your lap.

Try this breathing technique for 1-3 minutes. Keeping the breathing slow long and steady.


Most of us do not keep ourselves well hydrated. Even mild dehydration leads to physical and mental fatigue, brain fog, headaches and low moods.

You need water for your body to function properly. There is also some research that water itself is our main source of energy!

Aim to drink about two cups of water an hour through out the daytime

If that idea sounds horrifying and you don’t enjoy drinking water try adding natural flavour to it

Think fresh herbs and raw fruit and vegetables

Thinly sliced cucumber and fresh mint

Fresh organic fruit - add a few berries like strawberries sliced or raspberries crushed.


Look at what you are eating. If the food you consume is overly processed it doesn’t really contain any vitality and although it will keep you alive it is not going to make you feel energised and may even cause energy slumps.

Set yourself up for the day start your day with a good breakfast.

Go for protein, fats and soluble fibre not sugar hits!

If you’re in a hurry go for a smoothies with a combination of soluble fibre like oats, linseed, chia combined with fats from some nuts, fibre from bananas, half an avocado, some tahini and cinnamon.

Soak overnight oats and add grated apple, or have a veg packed frittata made froth night before or boiled eggs on toast with avocado.

Lunchtime think of refuelling your blood with iron rich foods that will increase your oxygen uptake and your vitality, such as lentils or if you prefer grass fed meat and go for dark leafy greens.

It may take some experimenting if approaching food as medicine is new to you, be curious and start to notice how what you eat effects how you feel and your energy levels. Also life is to be enjoyed so aim for balance.


Movement is a great way to change your mood even if it is the last thing you feel like doing.

Go for low intensity exercise such as a 30 minute walk, a 30 minute gentle yoga class, avoid anything high intensity until you are feeling stronger.

Getting up and moving is going to gently increase blood flow and oxygen to your cells and brain as well as causing the release of the energising feel good endorphins.

Movement also stimulates your lymphatic system, which helps to clean your body.

So increasing your vitality and energy levels is about taking more time to take better care of yourself.

It is as simple as breathing better, moving more in fun ways, eating healthier food and keeping yourself hydrated.

Don’t feel daunted, try starting with keeping yourself well hydrated and breathing better and see how you feel. This may give you the impetus you need to eat healthier and enjoy moving more.

Would you like personal support to learn how to establish a healthier lifestyle and increase your vitality?

Click CONTACT and get in touch and I will be happy to let you know how we can work together and also share some free resourses.